How to reach us

  • Train: La Spezia Centrale train station is about 15 minutes drive from us.
  • Bus: Line 11/P direction Le Grazie - Portovenere, stop at “Marola” bus stop, then walk up the stairway (path #527), cross the small road (Via del Mattone) and keep climbing up until crossing Salita al Piano, turn left and in about 100m reach our entrance.
  • Car: A15 / A12 exit “La Spezia-Santo Stefano M.” follow for La Spezia. Once reached the city go past it following directions to Portovenere, until reached the village called “Acquasanta”. Leave the main road, turning to the right, and follow our road signs for about 2kms. Please watch the video below for more details.



We can provide a personal transfer service from an to any destination in Italy, with our own private shuttle, upon reservation.